Wood Screws
Traditional wood screws, as found on old coach-built cars, have a single thread (along 60% of screw length), and a slotted head for a conventional screw-driver. Head types include countersunk, raised-countersunk (or raised-head) and round head. Materials are usually mild steel, stainless steel and brass. Also silicone-bronze and aluminium alloy. Surface finishes include chromium plating and zinc-plating.
More modern designs cover industry needs for fast assembly. This includes twin threadscrews which have a reduced diameter shank. Also, a variety of recess heads in place of the traditional slotted head: Philips, Pozidriv and Supadriv (the latter two by G.K.N.). Hardened screws are also produced.
Sizes are designated by gauge numbers from 0 to 32, the larger the number the larger the actual diameter. Lengths are given in inches or millimetres.

Self-Tapping Screws
Very similar to woodscrews, these are threaded up to the head for fastening thin materials. Generally made from mild steel or stainless steel, and with a choice of pan-head, countersunk head and raised countersunk head.
Nails and Pins
Nails are made in a wide range of types including round or oval wire, and a range of head types. Clout nails with a very large flat head. Conventional round nails with a small round head. Lost-head nails with very little head. Also, panel pins, with a head resembling a small countersunk head. Panel pins are used extensively on the AC 2 Litre, for fastening (guess what?)... panels! Coach built cars also use insultating staples for securing wires to the wood frame.
This category is too large to cover fully here, but of interest to old car restorers will be the various P-clips and chassis clips for securing pipes and cables.
<< Page 7 ****** Page 9 >>
Page 1 - Screw Threads
Page 2 - Bolts, Screws and Studs
Page 3 - Nuts
Page 4 - Nuts (Self-Locking)
Page 5 - Washers
Page 6 - Materials and Strength Grades
Page 7 - Tightening
Page 9 - Fasteners for the AC 2 Litre Saloon