The responsibility for the adverts that appear here (or are linked to from here) rests solely with the sellers. Buyers, please be careful to check that spare parts are actually appropriate for your AC. For ACs for sale, remember that all that gleams is not necessarily in first class condition.
The ebay adverts are automatically updated, and sometimes might show non-AC things when there are few AC related items for sale.
Europe (excl. UK)
ebay live listings (scroll the banners left/right):
ebay live listings (scroll the banners left/right):
Europe (excl. UK)
Car and Classic - ACs for sale section.
ebay live listings (scroll the banners left/right):
AC Engine Project - An engine specialist for the 2 Litre AC engine. Including uprated and strengthened parts (even new blocks) for those wishing to get more power from Weller's old masterpiece.
Car and Classic - ACs for sale section.
"Old Classic Car" AC 2 Litre cars and spares.
ebay live listings (scroll the banners left/right):
ebay live listings (scroll the banners left/right):
You can place a free advert on this page, provided that it is for the postwar AC 2 Litre model (Saloon and its variants) and spare parts for these cars. Please e-mail details to me, Ian, along with photos (optional) and chassis number if selling a car.
Include approx. location and your contact information to be displayed on this page (email addresses will be displayed altered to try and avoid spam 'harvesting').
Note that if you advertise on ebay, any AC 2 Litre related items should appear on this page provided that "AC 2 Litre" (or "Liter") appears in the ebay listing, as these words/phrases are picked up automatically.